Thursday, January 24, 2008

Singing Away

Ever since we have done away with Ava's binky (except for naptime and bedtime) Ava has become quite the talker and singer. Today I was on the computer and she was just singing away behind me. So I recorded what I could, but once she saw the camera she stopped!


  1. Ash and Ava could do a duet!! I miss her!

  2. Wow, she has a career in opera ahead of her! We love watching the videos to help ease the pain of Ava-withdrawals. Miss you guys!

  3. I love it! What a beautiful voice! Lilly constantly sings as well but hers sounds more like yelling it is really loud. I don't know if any of my girls will actually be able to sing. If their voices as kids are any inkling I am going to say no!

  4. She is so cute!! When I turned this on to watch, Carly came running to the computer and watched with much excitement!! SHe apparently is Ava's biggest fan!!

  5. I love the singing! What a sweetie.
