Saturday, January 5, 2008


In one night we got about 8 inches of snow, and we are supposed to get even more today and tomorrow! Ava is LOVING the snow. At first she was timid to even go walking in it, now she is throwing snowballs at us and helping daddy shovel the driveway! Last night we took her out in the snow when the storm calmed down. She would grab a handful of snow and say "da da catch" and throw the snow at him. Daddy's little helper
Whoops...she fell off the sidewalk into a nice soft pillow of snow!


  1. That looks so fun! I love getting snow. Be safe

  2. So cute! Looks like she is a true Idaho-an at heart! Her next words are going to be "You bet."

  3. That snow looks so cold!!! I miss seeing it just not the mess of it. We love keeping up with you guys on your blog!

  4. She looks so cute in her hat and coat.

  5. Little Ave looks so cute in her snow hat. Congrats on the news of another girl. Ave and Brooklyn are lucky to have you for a mom. They will deff be girly-girls. :)
