Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Smart Girl

Tonight Rob had to run to the store and took Ava. They were only gone for a few minutes, and when they came back I heard Rob tell Ava to go show mommy what she did. So she came running down the hallway with some candy that resembled a paint roller brush (the sucker) and a paint can (full of pop rocks or whatever they are called) Rob is not one to buy those "frivilous" candies for Ava so I was wondering how she suckered this one out of her dad! Rob told me he saw a guy in our ward and was talking to him. Meanwhile Ava found the candy a few feet away, and by the time Rob got to her she had already unwrapped the candy and was sucking on it! She was SO SO proud of her sucker. The best part was that for about 5 minutes after they got home she kept following him saying "thank you, thank you!" How sweet is that!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

need you mom's out there advice!!!!

So Ava is 21 1/2 months old. It took almost 18 months, but we finally got her on a decent sleeping schedule. Well lately it seems like it takes her a little bit longer to fall asleep at her afternoon naps (Usually she would fall asleep at it's been more like 12:30 and sometimes not till later) Well then that makes her not go to bed till later. So today she didn't even take a nap. I left her in her crib for over an hour (call me cruel I don't care) and she WOULDN"T fall asleep. I am having a panic attack at the idea of my 21 1/2 month old BABY NOT TAKING AN AFTERNOON NAP!
Any advice would be fantastic!

Monday, January 28, 2008

This one is for Grandpa

My dad thought the video of Ava singing was funny, so here is Ava dedicating another song to Grandpa Moyes!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I've been watching my friends daughter a few times a week. She is 6 months old and is old enough to enjoy the jonny jump up....and Ava is enjoying it as well! Why don't they make these for toddlers???? It would be alot easier to keep track of her if she was attached to the doorway! Just kidding!

Singing Away

Ever since we have done away with Ava's binky (except for naptime and bedtime) Ava has become quite the talker and singer. Today I was on the computer and she was just singing away behind me. So I recorded what I could, but once she saw the camera she stopped!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Door Greeters

I think having door greeters at Walmart is a nice idea...but sometimes it drives me NUTS! There is this one specific guy who insists that Ava have about 40 stickers everytime we go. It's really nice but it takes him forever to find the stickers, and then he wants to sit and "chat" with Ava. Last time I went to Walmart he gave Ava a ton of stickers when we came into the store. Then he came up to us as we were leaving insisting that Ava have even more stickers. Once Ava got those, he wanted mommy to have some stickers. aaaaahhhhh I just wanted to get out of the store! It's the nicest gesture, but sometimes I just want to get IN and OUT of Walmart!
Then at Costco, there is this really nice lady who likes to draw pictures of the back of the receipts when you are leaving. Usually by the time we are leaving, Ava is ready to go and doesn't have much patience (either do I!). The last time we were at Coscto ,Ava was crying and screaming to get out of the cart, there was a large line behind me, and this lady spend several minutes drawing a picture of a dog. Again, a nice gesture but by the time our shopping adventures are over I just want to get to my car!!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome Ryder!

My twin sister and her husband had their 2nd baby today! His name is Ryder Jackson Bishop. He was a WHOPPING 8 lb 6 oz. Unfortunately, his little arm broke during delivery so he is in a sling. The Dr. told them he should heal very quickly though. Other than that, everything is going great for them. Congratulations! We hope we can see him soon! Look at those CHEEKS! Don't you just want to kiss him!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Flying poo and a pedicure

This moring Ava was in the bath. She kept saying dada I thought she was wanting to go get her daddy. I was hurrying to get ready for my FIRST pedicure (more to follow) so I called for Rob and told her he was coming. Next thing I hear is SPLAT on the bathroom floor. I thought she had thrown the wash cloth out of the tub. So I look over and on the floor were two big poo poo's that she had picked up and thrown out! She had pooped in the tub and was getting all the yuckies out! Well since I had to run to my appointment, Rob got to do most of the cleanup. Perfect timing Ava!

On a cleaner note...awhile back Rob won a gift certificate at a nice spa here in town. Since he isn't too into spa's he let me use it. So I decided to go get my first pedicure and it was the BEST. They did the most wonderful hand and foot massages. My chair had little massage knobbies on it, and best of was QUIET for a complete hour. No music, no talking, no screaming for wa wa and snacks. Just complete beautiful silence. Ya...this may have been my first pedicure but it won't be my last!

6 things about me

I've been here it goes!
6 things you might now know about me!

1. I have two huge fears in my life....worms and water. I'm actually just freaked out about the thought of if my car were to slide off an edge of a cliff towards a huge body of water, I think I would die way before I ever reached the water because I would be so afraid of drowing my body would just shut down! And I HATE HATE HATE worms. They scare the heck out of me! Don't ever tease me with one, or I will seriously hate you for the rest of my life!

2. I've always wanted to be a hairstylist. I always told myself I would graduate from college and then go to hair school! I don't want to work full time as one...I just want to know how to cut hair! Looks like that idea will be put on the back burner for awhile!

3. I love soda/pop. Whatever you call it. I won't ever buy it because it's too much of a temptation for me. It's a very special treat it I let myself buy one! I could be one of those ladies who has a "diet coke" (I would have a diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper...caffeine free of course) every day if I let myself! My motivation to stay away from carbonated beverages is the fear of getting a rotten cavity because that means a shot! (whatever works right!)

4. I am a twin...hahaha. (I know...this is a cheap answer) Whenever we have to do those things horrible games where you go around in a group and tell one thing "special" about yourself I ALWAYS use this. I do have a funny twin story though...
At BYU Amanda was doing a group presentation about Cloning. It was a pro/con presentation and she was on the pro side. So to prove her point, she needed a! We dressed up the EXACT same. Same hair, pants, shirts, shoes you name it. If I remember right (correct me if I'm wrong Amanda), I was outside in the hallway and she was saying how nice it would be to have someone just like you. That's when I walked in the room and everyone was in complete shock. It was like they've never seen twins before. I really think some people in the class thought she had actually cloned a "mini Amanda". It was really funny.

5. I've never gotten pulled over. You could say I was sort of a cautious driver.

6. I hate answering the phone. If someone calls and it doesn't have there name on the caller ID I won't answer and I let it go to the machine. It drives Rob nuts, but I'm just not a phone person. (unless it's a close friend or family memeber!) are some random facts about me. Next I tag Lacey and Alisha. Let's hear it girls!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's a .........

My instincts told me that we were having a boy, but there is no doubt about it...Brooklyn is on her way! There will be total girl power in the Parkinson house! Everything is looking great. She is measuring a little small, so we will do another ultrasound at 32 weeks to make sure everything is okay! Other than that she is active and healthy. We are so excited to be parents of two girls!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


In one night we got about 8 inches of snow, and we are supposed to get even more today and tomorrow! Ava is LOVING the snow. At first she was timid to even go walking in it, now she is throwing snowballs at us and helping daddy shovel the driveway! Last night we took her out in the snow when the storm calmed down. She would grab a handful of snow and say "da da catch" and throw the snow at him. Daddy's little helper
Whoops...she fell off the sidewalk into a nice soft pillow of snow!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We're Back!

We're back from Christmas break. We had Christmas for Ava on the 14th, since Ava and I were flying to Idaho on the 17th. Ava was a very good girl this year, and Santa rewarded her accordingly! Then Ava and I got to go spend a few days with Grandma and Grandpa Moyes. Ava had their undivided attention, and made sure she was the center of attention at all times. We shopped until we dropped, tore Grandma's house apart...and were just plain spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Parkinson's. We had another Christmas party where Ava got to open MORE presents, and play with cousins and dogs. Then we went to Utah to have yet ANOTHER Christmas party where there were MORE presents with Grandma and Grandpa Moyes and some of my family. Then we headed back to Murtaugh and spent the rest of the week snowmobiling, playing in the snow, and playing with all of Grandma's fun toys.
Funny story....we went to Visit my Grandma and Grandpa Baum. They have a phone that is for the hearing impaired and has a large button to push if you need emergency services. (which we didn't see till later) Ava was playing the phone, and suddenly 911 calls the house to make sure everything is okay. My mom told them it was, but a few minutes later a cop shows up on the door step to check everything out! So this was Ava's first experience calling the cops!

Christmas at our house

I admit it...we spoiled Ava rotten this Christmas, but we had a blast doing it!This is her saying "yea" after she saw what the present was
Digging into the chocolate
Taking a break while daddy gets her toys together!

Playing in the snow

While we were in Idaho, we got some great snow storms! Rob got to go snowmobiling twice, and then we got the 4-wheeler out for some front yard fun!
Having fun in the South Hills (Rob is the one in the blue coat)Rob and Ava trying to get Uncle Paul to hit the close!
Rob and Ava enjoying a sled ride. Ava LOVED it. She got so mad at me when I got her off to take her inside to get warm!

This is where Ava spent her time...hanging out with Grandma and Grandma M. If someone was busy, she was sure to find another person who could play with her or hold her! Here is Grandma trying to get some cooking done with a little help! I didn't get the picture in time, but she had her arm around my mom and was patting her back!Enjoying Grandma's famous milkshakes with Grandpa!
Grandpa and Ava all tired out after Grandpa chased her around the house!

Christmas at the Parkinson's

Watching the "choo choo" with Grandpa Pswinging with Emily and Grandpa P
Aunt Reisha has a Maltese named Penelope. Ava LOVED holding her as long as the dog didn't lick her too much!