Monday, September 3, 2007

to cousin Katie Williams....

yes Katie Williams this post is dedicated just to you. I have no way to get ahold of you so I thought I would tell you on the blog that I can't post anything on your blog, and it won't let me click on anything.....I'm not sure if it's just my computer? Anyways let me know! (Then I can apologize for driving past your house and not saying hi...we still need to meet in the middle. How 'bout Vacaville? :)


  1. WOw! How special do I feel?! HEhe-Okay, so I fixed my link-I think! I just clicked on it from my last comment on your last post and it brought up the link to our blog. GIve it another try. I don't know why it won't let you comment! Have you tried the link off your own blog?? Hmmm...I'll try double checking everything out. I'll get back to you!! Don't worry cuz, you don't need to apologize! I just miss ya, and would love to see you!

  2. Okay, comment on this post to let me know what's going on!! Hope you got somewhere!! Has anyone else had this problem? Because I was beginning to think my moyes cousins didn't love me anymore!? Hehe~I haven't heard from any of you moyesees in a while!! Let me know what i can do!! I miss yas!

  3. Hey's me. I can get to your website, but it won't let me comment or click on any of your friends blogs! (Carly's pictures are so cute!)
