Monday, June 8, 2009

WAY TO GO ROB!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to introduce the newest Arizone State University W. P. Carey School of Business MBA graduate....Rob Parkinson!!!! Wahoo! We are DONE DONE DONE! (Keep in mind he did not graduate from University of drives me nuts when people say that. It's ASU! He had the same professors as the people on campus, same assignments, everything...just online.) I am so so proud of Rob and all his hard work. He managed school, a busy church calling, work, and a crazy family! He made so many sacrifices to get through school, and never complained. We love you so much Rob and we are so glad you are done FOREVER!!! Let's celebrate! LIFE-IS-GOOD!


  1. YEA!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS! I am confused though I thought he still had one more week, either way very excited for you!!!!!!

  2. My goodness! That's AMAZING! And, online is way different from going to class because it is so much HARDER! I hate online classes! Kudos to Rob for this great accompishment!

  3. OK, I'm going to see if I can get it to work this time: HHHHHHHOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRAAAAAAAYYYYY!!
    Way to go to the entire family! I am so excited for you guys--you have such an awesome future to look forward to! You are great examples of being willing to sacrifice and work hard! We're having a party in your honor in Washington. (We're planning to put up life-size photo cutouts of you guys to help with withdrawal symptoms anyway.)

  4. congrats Rob. What a relief. I was so happy when Phil finished school. It's like a huge weight off your shoulders!

  5. Much congrats. You have a lot to celebrate. Wahoo!

  6. Way to go Rob. We are so happy you've found and job and things are going so well for your family. We will surely miss you all.

  7. Raaa Raa Shish Boom Bah!! Yeah!! congrats to ALL of you..I'm so excited for you and how things are working out for you....YEAH!

  8. Congrats you two! I know firsthand how difficult it is to have a family and go through school too. Way to go!!!
