Friday, May 1, 2009

Donner Museum

A few weekends ago we decided to check out the Donner Museum since it's so close. It was kind of a disapointment. It was a tiny tiny place that had you pay $7 dollars to park. And the only mention of them eating each other was one sentence on a tiny plaque in the corner. (C'mon you know that's what everyone goes to the museum for right? :) And to top the whole experience off, Rob told Ava that this freaky looking mannequin was going to come alive.... which scared Ava to the point of shaking and crying...rather screaming that she did not want to go around the museum. So Rob and I had to take turns looking at the displays.
(Ava making sure the mannequin was still in it's place) Afterwards we took a beautiful scenic drive to some tiny towns. We stopped at one and played on the playground to get wiggles out. This is poor tired Brooklyn who refused to fall asleep!


  1. Sheesh, that is a freaky-looking mannequin! I would have been screaming too, Ava!

  2. You can always count on the dad's to make life interesting.

  3. Seriously, that was a freaky mannaquin. And if someone told me it would come alive and I was 3..i'd be freaked out too!! sorry it was a bummer. At least you can say you went!

  4. Haha! We went there with Alan's parents last summer and his dad really liked it, but I was totally bored. Donner Lake has some beautiful scenic drives, though.

  5. Yeah, I've been to that museum and it wasn't all that exiting. I loved walking around the Lake though. And Rob telling Ava that the mannequin was going to come alive totally sounds like something Logan would do. ~Kara
