Friday, April 3, 2009

Our week

Instead of telling you how our week has gone...let me just show some pictures that pretty much describe it....

That's right. We had a week of Pink eye, colds and Brooklyn teething. (But check out those cute teeth! Just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter....) The good news is...WE SURVIVED!
Don't you just love my Brooky's hair. It's crazy and out of control! She thinks she is a big girl and likes to steal water from Ava's sippy!
My sweet sweet Ava...lucky I haven't shipped her off to Grandma's house....


  1. K..that first pic of Brookie is tooooo cute!! How fun..but I'm glad that you survived!!!

  2. Sorry you had such a rough week. If we can survive sickness/teething/toddlers with our sanity intact, it definitely makes our mansions bigger in heaven, right? At least I sure hope so, because I know my sanity is hanging by a thread ... :)

  3. I am sorry you had sick kids! That is so miserable. Our favorite picture is of Brooklyn drinking out of Ava's cup. She has such gorgeous eyes!
