Monday, March 16, 2009

good bye lunchbox

Dear Lunchbox:
I have such mixed feelings for you. I have hated you so for the past 6 months because as I packed you each day, I knew that Rob would be gone for most of the day and be getting home early the next morning. I knew it met long lonely days for me and the girls. However, as I now put you back to your permanent spot in the garage I am sad. Your absence from the kitchen counter means that we are unemployed, yet again.
The Parkinson family


  1. Life sucks sometimes. Call me if you two want to go to the temple, we'll take those little beasts off your hands for awhile. Jeri

  2. So sorry to hear it... We think about you guys quite often and hope the job hunting is looking up for you! If you ever make it out this way, please call!
