Sunday, January 18, 2009


Does anyone find it strange that this is the most expensive inauguration ever and yet there are millions of people out of jobs and our country is in a recession??????? (This is not a political statement...just a frustrating point since a gov't job we really wanted and have been waiting to hear back from was "cancelled". Maybe one of the fireworks displays in Washington could have been our year's salary. Nice thought.)


  1. Well said...I couldn't agree with you more!

  2. I completely agree. I was so mad when I read that yesterday. What makes me madder is that the media thinks it is fine, if it was anyone else they would have major backlash. I think that is is irresponsible and frustrating. I am so sorry about that job.

  3. I so totally agree. Sorry your job was canceled. That happened to us here, there was a water dept. job that would have been AWESOME and it was canceled too. Are you still looking then? Good luck, we are right there with you.

  4. I agree. I am so tired of everything Barrack Obama does being the most amazing thing ever. No one has even mentioned how expensive it is!! What is up with that. I am so sorry about the job. We are praying for you guys.

  5. Sorry about the job. Bummer. We're sending good Karma your way! :O)
