Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's a good thing these two are cute.....

So last night I made Brooklyn cry it out...and I feel like the WORST mom alive. I hate doing that. It just breaks my heart to hear them cry for you, and you ignore them. I just figured a 6 month old baby shouldn't be waking up every 2-3 hours (and I'm so stinkin tired!)! We'll see how she does tonight, but she did fall asleep all by herself at bedtime!
Yes I realize Ava's face is dirty....white chocolate covered oreos...yum yum!Brooklyn has found her feet!

I think her eyes just might stay blue!


  1. We have to chat, and you must let me know how it went. We've all been there. You're an amazing mom. I love the feet pictures. It's a fun age.

  2. Be strong you're bigger than her and I bet you can cry louder.

  3. I remember learning how to let Liv cry herself to sleep. I would have to call my sister who lived in Kentucky and she would talk me into NOT going into Liv's room to get her. But, I did it with all three of my kids, (Ty even had to do it at 4 months old) and they all were good sleepers after that! I hope it works for you!

  4. Good luck. Its hard but worth it. We just got Ashley to sleep through the night...9:30-6:30. woo hoo!

  5. Don't feel bad. You're not a bad mom. i think your a worse mom when you are so freakin tired. you come first sometimes and this is one of those times. i agree with you reno donelly friends, great comment!!
