Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It was Brooklyn's 4 month appoitment today! I can't believe she is already 4 months. Anyways here are her stats:
Weight: 14 lbs 13 oz (75%)
Height: 25 1/2 in (90%)
Head: 41 1/2 cm (75%)
In other fun news, my awesome cool sister found a bumbo seat for me for $7.00! (Brand new they are $40!) She sent it along with some other fun stuff, which we recieved today. (She sent a makeup kit....yes a makeup kit for Ava. Ava, Brooklyn and I are COVERED in glitter, lipstick, and eyeshadow!) Here is an outfit she is letting me borrow since Ryder is WAY to big for it! Isn't she so stinkin' cute! Thanks for the package Bishops!! Taking a nap
This is how Ava fell asleep the other night!


  1. me and geoff are just giggling at your "his and hers" kids. so cute. and brooklyn weighs as much as Ally and Ally just turned 10 months old this week. hee hee what a shrimp!
