Saturday, August 9, 2008

Best friends

Not the most flattering picture of me...but my mom and sisters look beautiful! I am so lucky to have these guys as my Best Friends as well as mom/sisters. I remember when we were in Young Womens together and Liz bore her testimony. She said how grateful she was for her sisters and that friends come and go, but your family will always be there for you...and it's so true! (I remember feeling so special because Amanda and I were still the annoying younger sisters and Liz told everyone that she liked us in a roundabout way!) :) Anyways, here are the best two sisters anyone can ask for!!!!!
Which one am I????


  1. You girls are beautiful!! We all neeed to get together, its been way too long.

  2. oh so sweet! tons o fun. this is liz not Steve!!!!
