Thursday, November 1, 2007

Blankie in the tub

When I had my back turned to Ava she pulled her blankie in the tub with her. She had just woken up from a nap, and I guess needed some extra loves!


  1. That is so cute. Lilly is the same way about her blankie.

  2. That is hilarious. I don't know how we did it, but Carly keeps her blankies in her crib and that's where they stay-she even throws her binky in crib as soon as we take her out!.....but she sure will NOT sleep with out them! Is it abnormal that our child goes through the day without attachments? I thought they were suppose to be attached to something..(BESIDES their mom's hip!)!

  3. Hahaha..that is so cute ann!! I'm surprised Ash hasn't tried bringing a corner or two with her! But she looks so happy! What a fun girl (and I know she keeps you busy but she provides a lot of laughs!!) P.S. Hey Kate, don't worry..Ash is 2 1/2 and attached more to my hip than anything else still!!

  4. Hey kinds like my laundry she was throwing in!

  5. Hey, whatever makes bathtime a success, right? It is so funny to me how little babies and kids get attached to their blankies! Our Jack loves his silk blanket and has for months now (he's only 7 months old). I love your Christmas look! Glad I'm not the only crazy Christmas fanatic out there!
