Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pioneer Days

They had a big pioneer days celebration in the Reno area, so we went to check it out. They had free snow cones, watermelon, and cookies. There was tons of stuff to do like a couple of animals to look at, along with a cowboy band, and a place where you could make corn husk dolls.

Yummy snowcone!
Ava andKadri checking out the pigs. These pigs were pretty active. One came running right at the fence toward Ava and Kadri! And they stunk....

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Uncle Ryan!!!!

Ryan...we want you to know we tried calling you but you didn't answer so we are forced to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY over the blog! Hope you guys have a great time in Seattle!

What's up with us.....

Our little girl is growing up too fast! She is getting a bunch of new teeth in...which has been hard for ALL of us! We are trying to teach her to use words instead of grunting and pointing at what she wants. So far its going pretty well. We have been having a great summer swimming, going for walks and hanging out with friends.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Here are some cute random pictures from the last month! Enjoy!
Ava loves to put her clothes on her arms and walk around the house! Check out her cute shoes!
A few weeks ago I was watching my friends kids and had to go for a girls night out party, so Rob watched them for a few minutes on his own...this is what they looked like when I left! Pretty cute huh!

Awhile ago we went to the mall. While I was looking around Rob was chasing after Ava. He decided to go get them both a sucker. Well Ava wanted BOTH suckers. She would get SO mad at Rob went he tried to sneak in a bite. It was hilarious.

Yummy cherries!

Dancing....with a cool hat on

Hanging out with daddy in her monkey chair!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Go Devils!

****I better clarify our situation...We are still staying in Reno (I don't think we will ever be lucky enough to get out of here!) but Rob is getting is MBA through ASU online! He will still be working for Wachovia as the manager of the Loan Branch! Yea for our hardworking Rob!****
After a long week at orientation, Rob is back!!! We spent all of last night and half of today (with 4...yes 4....trips to the airport and $5 of parking fees) chasing down Rob's luggage. That is a whole other frustrating story. (not too impressed with US Airways!) Anyways, CONGRATS Rob!!!! Ava and I are so proud of you!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

While the daddies are away...the girls will play!

On Saturday all of our hubbies were either working, out of town, or had out of state us girls (and lucky Neil) went up to Lake Tahoe for the afternoon. I have been lucky to make some great friends , and we all have such a great time together! Jean, Ann, Leah, and Ava making a sand castle
Avers enjoying some yummy strawberries
Just being cute

Noel, Neil and Ava enjoying the shade. (Ava obviously wasnt' too happy in this picture!)

Monday, July 9, 2007

I have found out how easy it is to pass on bad habits to your just simply let them watch you perform your bad habits and they copy you! Here is such an example. There is a possible chance that I occasionally drink straight from the milk carton. So the other day, Rob threw away an empty carton and Ava went over and picked it up. She then tried drinking from it. See, a bad habit passed on with little effort involved on my part!

Lake Tahoe

A big group of us went up to Lake Tahoe on Saturday. We had such a good time! Ava even fell asleep in my lap for a quick nap...which she has only done 2 other times in her life! Anyways in the second picture, Ava kept waving and blowing kisses to me. It was adorable!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Today was 102 so we let Ava run around most of the day naked! Anyways, our ward had a yummy breakfast this morning, and this afternoon we had a fun BBQ with our friends. These are pictures of Kadrian, Ava and Noel playing in the sandbox. (We are trying to cut down on binkie use...only at naptime and when you see the binkie in this picture it was because Ava was SO tired and fussy and it was the only way to keep her quiet!!!)